Foot Protection
When working in at-height, industry, and construction you are constantly relying on your feet and working when your feet hurt can be a drag. Not to mention that job site hazards can wreak havoc on your feet if you don’t make sure they are properly protected. Footwear Accessories: We know what you are thinking, “I’ve got work boots, what on earth could I need as an accessory?”, well, we’ve got an answer - traction spikes. Working in the cold already sucks, but slipping and falling could be disastrous. Ice traction devices like our selection from Ergodyne, Yaktrax, and IceTrekkers can help you get a grip on the ice and prevent falls and injuries. Work Boots: Your work boots should be more than comfortable, they should protect you from the many hazards that can be present while on the job. At The CAM Company we take your safety seriously, and that includes your feet, too. We’ve got a wide selection of work boots that will help keep your feet comfortable and safe day in and day out.